Friday, 8 May 2020

Livestream - The Adventures of Daisy Walker (Parallel)

Manfromleng takes a look at the new print-and-play parallel investigator, Daisy Walker. Manfromleng and Daisy then try to collect all the tomes in her challenge scenario, Read or Die. CC licenced music from the album Lovecraft Memories by Zreen Toyz. Contact

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Livestream - The Adventures of Nathaniel Cho (Spoilers!)

Manfromleng steps into the ring with Nathaniel Cho to spoil two cards from his Investigator Starter Deck. Nathaniel also tries to punch some ghouls and cultists in the face. CC licenced music from the album Lovecraft Memories by Zreen Toyz. Contact

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Livestream - The Innsmouth Conspiracy Preview

Manfromleng takes a first look at The Innsmouth Conspiracy, the sixth deluxe expansion for the Arkham Horror LCG, a living card game by Fantasy Flight Games. CC licenced music from the album Lovecraft Memories by Zreen Toyz. Contact

Review - Devil Reef Survivor & Neutral Cards

Manfromleng and Nate 'Lost in Time and Space' Winslow review the Survivor and Neutral cards in Devil Reef, the second Mythos pack in...